
What is satisfaction? How do you define it? How do you quantify it? And perhaps more importantly, how do you ensure it?

I am currently with my 3rd organization with whom I have worked. Every one of these 3 are Indian organizations, I promised myself that I will work only with Indian firms. My belief was that Indian firms are not able to scale up and get to the level of other MNCs because all the best managers choose to work in Global MNCs (read companies headquartered abroad). Hence truly Indian firms are left behind with a choice of second rung talent. I vowed to change that.

We all seem to speak of 'ensuring satisfaction' - of customers and employees - as Business leaders without really knowing how to quantify it. I have worked with leaders who quantify it in their own way - some with money earned, some with time spent 'at office', some with simply the amount the employee groans. Companies employ their own ways of gauging customer satisfaction and keep changing the indicators regularly. No one has the answer to it. 

A friend of mine has been complaining of dissatisfaction for a long time now but in fact she has stuck with the same employer for 9 years now. Every time I speak to her she sounds put off and on the verge of quitting. This has been the same for 6 years now. Another on the other hand has changed 4 organizations in the same span and is now onto his 5th new role. Every time he says - 'that just didn't get me excited enough'.
Some have been working hard and long with great results despite no / low increase in pay. While others get paid twice as much but are not happy. So money alone can not be a criteria.

I figured that this is an extremely human term and must be handled by the leader not by the organization. The leader would handle and guide the individuals and the organization on what to and what not to do on an individual basis not as a group. Motivating factors will differ with people and it is the leaders role to work with it. Which brings us to the role and identity of a leader in employee satisfaction.
A leader must understand both his people and the organization. He must understand what each individual and the organization's customers require and act accordingly. Understand their motivations, what works for them, what makes them happy and then take decisions keeping everything in mind. And then too, you can't please everyone. Prioritize, use his / her own judgement and take decisions that would benefit all parties.

Satisfaction for a leader
Its not an easy job, but when it works, it is the most satisfying. Which brings me to the question, what is satisfaction for a leader ? Here's my one line answer - achieving something that holds a meaning larger than oneself. Be it ensuring organizational growth, watching people who you are leading grow into leaders themselves, achieving peer admiration etc. It is extremely difficult to do. But when it gets done, it feels unbelievable.


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