3 Years....

Its 3 years now! 3 years! That's when I moved out of B-school and into life after. Moving from there to my first job in rural Karnataka, to a bad job and many mistakes made in Hyderabad and to my current situation at home in Delhi. From being physically fit and fine to over 20 kgs overweight. Travelling around to Mumbai, Lucknow, Vishakhapatnam,  Hampi, Goa, Kashmir, Bikaner. The emotional tussles of family, love, hate, break-ups, friendship, lies. And then the unexpected turn of events leading to my house burning down, a car accident and police trouble that wasn't.

But yes, I have learnt a lot, about life, about people, about me. I am definitely not the only one who had an eventful life. People I know, people close to me went through a lot. Fell in love, were betrayed in love, lost jobs, got new jobs, lost close family members - a loss nothing can ever make up for, old friends were lost, new ones made, got married, had that one unforgettable incident. A lot happened. The good things far surpass the bad ones but are least remembered.

But I have learnt a lot. I stopped judging people. How do I know everything? I am not going to judge someone about their lives. Its not for me to judge what makes a person happy as long as it makes him happy. People are seldom happy nowadays and we really don't need someone judging someone for it. But I did notice that most happiness is derived from the professional front rather than personal life. Most people have greater love for professional success than personal harmony. I'm not saying its wrong, just that that's how things are nowadays.

But I learnt a lot. I met more people these 3 years than I ever met in my entire life. North Indian - South Indian, Young - Old, Urban - Rural, Hindu - Muslim - Sikh - Christians, Men - Women, Orthodox - Open. All.

I learnt a lot. There are so many differences between us that it is impossible to understand it all. The one thing we all want of share is life. Life, even with its ups and downs, and lows and highs, and happy moments and sad, is one thing that is ours. 

We all want to live life, a good life. We want it simple and happy and yet we complicate it. Its like when we sacrifice our happiness so that we can work and have enough resources to be happy. Cut trees, make paper of it and write 'Save Trees' on it. Life is actually so simple. We do not know it, we refuse to understand it. It is right there in front of us, waiting to be picked up and lived. After all
Whats the point of life if we don't live it....


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